Foshan Nanhai Quanhong Plastic Co., Ltd.


How should waste plastic recycling companies break the deadlock in 2017?

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-11-09
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(Summary description)Plastic covers many industries in life, ranging from airplanes and automobiles to garbage bags in daily life. The role of plastic has made it difficult for humans to find raw materials that can replace it.

How should waste plastic recycling companies break the deadlock in 2017?

(Summary description)Plastic covers many industries in life, ranging from airplanes and automobiles to garbage bags in daily life. The role of plastic has made it difficult for humans to find raw materials that can replace it.

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-11-09
  • Views:0

Plastic covers many industries in life, ranging from airplanes and automobiles to garbage bags in daily life. The role of plastic has made it difficult for humans to find raw materials that can replace it. However, as the number of plastic products continues to increase, so does the number of waste plastics, which has brought catastrophic pollution to the environment. Therefore, recycling and recycling of waste plastics is indispensable.


As a major producer and consumer of plastics in the world, my country has a huge demand that makes plastic raw materials a large-scale necessity, and its sources of production include the recycling and processing of waste plastics. At present, my country’s waste plastics mainly include: plastic film (such as agricultural mulch), plastic wire, woven products, foam, plastic packaging and containers, and daily-use plastic products. In addition, supporting plastics for automobiles, electronic appliances, and home appliances are also one of the important sources of waste plastics. According to statistics, my country produces about 34.13 million tons of waste plastics each year, and the amount of recycled plastics reaches more than 24.878 million tons, accounting for about 30% of my country's plastic consumption. While recycling waste plastics saves resources and reduces environmental pollution, it also provides a large number of jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities, which has played a vital role in my country's economic development.


In recent years, with the large-scale application of plastics, my country’s plastic recycling industry market has become prosperous. Small and medium-sized enterprises such as Yongquan have emerged and invested actively. The number of enterprises and personnel engaged in the recycling and processing of recycled plastics has grown steadily. Large-scale recycled plastic recycling trading market and processing distribution center. There are tens of thousands of plastic recycling companies and recycling outlets all over the country. Among them, Zhejiang, Henan, Anhui, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong, Hebei, etc. have become plastics. Provinces with developed processing industry. The report shows that the waste plastic recycling industry has grown into an indispensable resource-based environmental protection industry in economic development.


While notable achievements have been made, my country’s waste plastic recycling industry also has problems that cannot be ignored. According to official statistics, there are about 60,000 household waste plastic processing workshops in China. Due to various factors, many companies are operating. Irregularities, low resource utilization, and serious environmental pollution. With the implementation of the new environmental protection law, the extensive and violent development of the waste plastic industry in the early stage has caused small and medium waste plastic companies in a large number of areas across the country to close down due to unqualified environmental protection.


It has been more than two years now, and the implementation of the new environmental protection law, for many small and medium-sized enterprises, is like hitting the seven inches of a snake. Therefore, many people in the waste plastics industry are looking forward to 2017 when the country can relax the standards. Will there really be miracles? Of course not, the enforcement of the new environmental protection law will only become more severe.


Although the new environmental protection law has caused major trauma to small and medium-sized waste plastic recycling companies, it is an opportunity for many companies. After more than two years of shuffling, a large number of unqualified small and medium-sized enterprises were closed down, which undoubtedly reduced the competition in the market, and the enterprises that survived this wave of shuffling will finally usher in spring. So in 2017, how should waste plastic recycling companies break the deadlock?


There is no doubt that the recycled plastics industry has infinitely broad prospects for development. However, the high-voltage line of environmental protection is hanging overhead, and this red line is definitely not to be stepped on. Therefore, the elimination of backward equipment and technology should be the top priority. However, for many small and medium-sized enterprises, the investment in environmental protection and advanced production facilities is too large for enterprises to afford, and it is necessary to optimize, upgrade and transform the industrial structure.


The waste plastics industry must have a certain scale, standardized operation, and comply with supply chain management; because it has the necessary scale, it can be cost-effective under the scale and can afford the investment in environmental protection and production facilities and equipment. Only with the integrated management of the supply chain, the waste industry can reduce the total cost of products and create unique characteristics of products.


In addition, while optimizing the industrial structure, companies should continue to strengthen their own professional knowledge and R&D capabilities to meet the requirements of the times; moreover, they must continue to improve the level of equipment, and continuously improve and gradually improve the different types of waste in practice. Make production more efficient and be able to control costs. Improve product quality and increase added value.


The times have changed and supply and demand have reversed. Therefore, business models should be more changeable. Business methods determine the business models of enterprises. The mainstream business methods in the past have evolved from mass sales and in-depth distribution to community business. Waste plastic companies should also promptly introduce new business models to stay ahead of their competitors.


In 2016, the state made active explorations in the areas of "Extension of Producer Responsibility", "Product Life Cycle Eco-design", and "Encouraging and Promoting the Use of Renewable Materials to Recycle Products". The renewable resource industry has become a national strategic emerging industry. The country "coordinates the utilization of renewable resources at home and abroad", and the industry's environmental protection level, industry image, equipment technology, standardized development, and overall industrial strength have been newly improved. Therefore, in 2017, the waste plastics industry should closely follow national policies and improve industry standards and enterprise production capacity in order to make its own development better.

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